Sep 08 2012

Today, September 8th, marks the 46th anniversary of Gene Roddenberry’s “Star Trek,” but is celebrating a little early with a juicy rumor to share. We’ve been been told that the 2013 J.J. Abrams sequel has chosen a title and will hit theaters as Star Trek Into Darkness.

Although we have not yet been able to officially confirm said title, the domain names and www.startrekintodarknessmovie were both registered yesterday through MarkMonitor, an anonymous domain registry service that just so happens to have been utilized by Paramount Pictures for recent URLs like their official G.I. Joe: Retaliation site.

We’ll bring you confirmation as soon as it’s available, but what is certain is that the film will star Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, John Cho, Bruce Greenwood, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve and Peter Weller with a screenplay by Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Damon Lindelof and that it will hit theaters on May 17, 2013 in 2D, 3D theaters and IMAX 3D versions.


Nov 13 2011

November 13, 2011Author: Rachel1 Comment

Anton Yelchin’s had a pretty darned good year at the movies — good notices in The Beaver, funnier reviews for Fright Night and better still for his new film, Like Crazy, a bittersweet long distance romance, largely improvised, with co-star Felicity Jones.

None of the movies have been big box office, but we wondered if he even noticed that.

“I try to stay away from reviews and box office news because no matter what your appraisal of your work is – I have moments where I’ve doubted whether I did a good job, and people liked it, and moments where I was satisfied that people didn’t respond to at all.

“You can’t go into the world of rottentomatoes. For every review that makes you feel good, there’s another one to make you feel lousy. You’re setting yourself up to be disappointed either way. My psyche isn’t strong enough to withstand that sort of outside critique. I take criticism at work, but one it’s done and there’s nothing you can change about it, why put yourself through it?”

The only way for the 22 year old Anton to top this year would be to shoot a certified blockbuster in 2012. Which he is. He’s back in the role of Chekhov in the second J.J.
Abrams Star Trek movie.

“I’m stoked. They always keep us in the dark, sorta till the last minute. What’s happening, who’ll be in it and what the film will be like. It’s good to know that we’re making it and that J.J.’s directing it, is all I can say.

I have no idea what Benicio del Toro is playing. I read online, like everybody else, that he’s been having conversations with J.J. No idea what level that’s at. J.J. won’t even tell him what role it would be. That’s J.J.!

“I would be honored to be on the same set with Benicio del Toro in ANY role. If that works out, it’ll be great.”

Yelchin doesn’t “remember” his own Russian accent (He was born in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, in the former USSR). The one he has to recall for the movie comes from TV.

“I lost my accent years ago. My accent is just for the movies. Walter Koenig’s accent was so fun and wonderful to fool around with. It’s like the original series itself. It’s got this great camp quality to it. I embrace that.

“I love the original series. I didn’t know much about it until we did the first film, and I did so much research on it that I get excited by the idea of going back into all of that, looking at my notes on how to play Chekhov, watching his scenes again in the movies and the series.

“I’m honored to be able to pay tribute to Walter with these movies.”


Nov 04 2011

The J.J. Abrams untitled Star Trek sequel may have found its villain. Variety reports that, while nothing is yet official, Benicio Del Toro is expected to be offered the role imminently.

Famous for his secrecy, Abrams has reportedly not yet revealed even to the actor what the role will be, though production is expected to begin this January.

Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, John Cho and Anton Yelchin are expected to all reprise their roles as members of the Enterprise crew with Abrams back in the director’s chair and a script again from Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. (Source_