Oct 30 2011

In a recent interview, Like Crazy director, Drake Doremus spoke highly about the importance of finding the ‘perfect’ chemistry – and how it all started with Anton Yelchin before Felicity Jones:

“We started with Anton. When we wrote it, then we started thinking about who’s out there in their early 20’s that was an actor. He came to mind right away. He sort of embodied the characteristics of Jacob. And I met with him and I was just like, ‘Okay, great. Let’s do this.’ And then I started to think about Jenn, and [Felicity and Anton] were friends, and I talked to him about her. Felicity came in before me a couple days before we started shooting, really about a week beforehand. I had seen a bunch of different actresses with Anton—chemistry reads in Los Angeles; just wasn’t quite feeling right. And Felicity videotaped herself in her flat in London and she did the shower scene in the film that, as you know, is at the end of the film.”

“But she actually got in her shower and put up a tripod and went through the emotional journey of what her character was going through in that moment. She sent me the tape and I saw the tape and flipped out and immediately called her and asked her, ‘How soon can you get to LA?’ She said, ‘I can get there tomorrow.’ And then she came and we started rehearsing. Seven days after she met Anton they were frolicking on the beach together, and they were in bed together… It was really surreal. They just had that magic between them. They were willing to go to the place that they needed to go in order to make Anna and Jacob really feel alive.”

Read the Complete Interview: www.firstshowing.net

Oct 01 2011

Anton and the Like Crazy director/co-writer Drake Doremus attended a special screening for Like Crazy, at the 2011 Twin Cities Film Festival. The film won the “Best Feature Award,” at the film festival. Head over to the gallery for the latest additions.

Gallery Links:
– Home > Movie Productions > Like Crazy > 2011 09 24 – 2011 Twin Cities Film Festival

Oct 01 2011

Production stills and movie posters from the upcoming, Like Crazy film have been added into the gallery. Like Crazy stars Anton alongside Felicity Jones and Jennifer Lawrence. Head over to the gallery for the latest additions.

Gallery Links:
– Home > Movie Productions > Like Crazy > Posters & Artwork
– Home > Movie Productions > Like Crazy > Production Stills

Sep 27 2011

The 19th Annual Hamptons International Film Festival, which runs from October 13th to 17th, has announced two high-profile films as its centerpiece and closing night features.

Drake Doremus’s Like Crazy, which won this year’s Sundance Grand Jury Prize, is this year’s centerpiece film, and its lead actor Anton Yelchin will be honored as one of this year’s breakthrough performers. The closing film is Michel Hazanavicius’s The Artist, the contemporary silent film that won lead actor Jean Dujardin Cannes’ Best Actor award, set to be released by the Weinstein Company November 23.

The festival has also announced The Bully Project, Lee Hirsch’s exposé on bullying among American youth, will receive the Brizzolara Family Foundation Award for a film of Conflict & Resolution, a signature prize at the festival for the last 12 years. (Source)

Jul 10 2011

One of the hottest titles coming out of Sundance this year was Drake Doremus‘s romantic drama Like Crazy starring Anton Yelchin (Star Trek, Terminator Salvation) and Felicity Jones (the criminally underrated Cemetery Junction, The Tempest). The film won the festival’s most prestigious award, the Dramatic Grand Jury Prize (the last two winners of which both got Best Picture nominations) and was picked up by Paramount for $4 million. Now, they’ve set a limited release date for the lovely and heartbreaking tale of long distance love: October 28, right in prime awards contention.
